August 19, 2020 Troy Polan

Complex Patient Data Platform Drives Business Intelligence

By Troy Polan, Acting CEO and CTO

Sophisticated data capabilities set Excelera apart. Our Complex Patient Data Platform supports dashboards of critical as well as supplementary data for each health system within the Excelera Network. When that data is aggregated, its power is amplified in reports, benchmarks and insights for use across our nationwide network of health systems as well as by our industry partners such as drug manufacturers, biopharma, life sciences and payers.

The Complex Patient Data Platform was purpose-built by Excelera for health system specialty pharmacies (HSSPs). Each version has expanded the data set to provide greater insights. Our technology roadmap incorporates medical data, such as lab results, for a fuller picture of the complex pharmacy patient journey. Already, predictive modeling can forecast when, for example, patients using a given specialty medication are likely to abandon treatment.

The platform is not just a technology solution; it’s a process and pharmacy-specific solution. We engage members in rigorous on-boarding to maximize utility and ease of use. Dashboards include capture rates, drug dispense counts, estimated revenue, adherence rates, abandonment rates, and other measurements by therapeutic class and disease state, system-wide and by provider or clinic.

As members take steps to optimize their specialty pharmacies, they can use these data insights to validate their actions. For example, if staffing has increased in a given area, has the desired business result followed? Benchmarks from across the Excelera Network also help HSSPs spot areas of opportunity and improvement.

Demonstrating the efficacy of HSSPs to our partners is another benefit of the data platform, and manufacturers find the statistically relevant volume of aggregated data, in standardized form, a valuable source of business intelligence.

Payers, PBMs and other entities that hold risk are also acutely aware of complex specialty patients, and this richer data set can impact benefit design by illustrating aspects of the patient journey prior to the claim.

The high-performing health systems in the Excelera Network have joined because they are wholeheartedly invested in improving complex patient outcomes. The power of data has, and will continue, to help our members do so.

For more information about our Complex Patient Data Platform visit or contact