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Education & Development

Education, Training, Collaboration Key Areas of Focus at ASHP 204 115 Shields Health Solutions

Education, Training, Collaboration Key Areas of Focus at ASHP

Shields Health Solutions poster presentations highlight a comprehensive approach to specialty patient care and successful results from an expanded offering of instructional programs.

Exploring the Links Between Specialty Pharmacy and Mental Health 204 115 Shields Health Solutions

Exploring the Links Between Specialty Pharmacy and Mental Health

Specialty pharmacy is deeply engaged in providing treatment for conditions that are at high risk for mental health challenges.

Mental Health Awareness Month: How Shields Empowers Mental Health Everyday 1024 576 Shields Health Solutions

Mental Health Awareness Month: How Shields Empowers Mental Health Everyday

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and it’s so important to recognize your mental health – physical, emotional, and overall well-being. It’s crucial at every stage of life, from childhood…

Ease The Way for Administration of Challenging Medications 204 115 Shields Health Solutions

Ease The Way for Administration of Challenging Medications

Medications like inhalers and nasal sprays can be challenging for patients to administer correctly. One such drug is varenicline solution (Tyrvaya), a prescription nasal spray used to treat the signs…

The Role of a Clinical Pharmacist in Melanoma Care and Education 204 115 Shields Health Solutions

The Role of a Clinical Pharmacist in Melanoma Care and Education

It is estimated that 99,780 people in the United States will be diagnosed with melanoma in 2022. Because of the likelihood that patients with melanoma will develop adverse effects on therapy, it is crucial for pharmacists to proactively educate patients and provide them with tools to help mitigate and manage these issues. Read to learn more.
Shields Health Solutions Announces Pharmacists with Specialty Pharmacy Qualifications 204 115 Shields Health Solutions

Shields Health Solutions Announces Pharmacists with Specialty Pharmacy Qualifications

BOSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Specialty pharmacy integrator Shields Health Solutions today announced that new or renewed certifications and credentials have been awarded to 34 Shields pharmacists by multiple national leading specialty pharmacy organizations and associations…

Shields Pharmacists New Certifications 204 115 Shields Health Solutions

Shields Pharmacists New Certifications

Below is a list of Shields Health Solutions pharmacists who earned new certifications in 2021 and the beginning of 2022: Amelia Persico -BCACP Andrea Idusuyi – AAHIVP Breanne Spear –…

Residency Rotation Series Brings ‘Real Life’ Experience, Career Opportunities to Pharmacy Residents 1024 576 Shields Health Solutions

Residency Rotation Series Brings ‘Real Life’ Experience, Career Opportunities to Pharmacy Residents

As a pharmacist, it’s never too early to start thinking about your future and where you’d like to advance your career. But having the resources and opportunities to do that is an important…

Shields Health Solutions Awards Resident Research Grants 204 115 Shields Health Solutions

Shields Health Solutions Awards Resident Research Grants

BOSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Shields Health Solutions, the nation’s premier specialty pharmacy accelerator, is proud to award resident research grants in the amount of $5,000 each to supplement existing projects or initiatives which…

The Evolution of Health System Specialty Pharmacy Panel Discussion 1024 576 Shields Health Solutions

The Evolution of Health System Specialty Pharmacy Panel Discussion

On September 15th, we hosted a panel discussion on The Evolution of Health System Specialty Pharmacy. An esteemed panel of specialty pharmacists helped us understand why a more mature specialty…