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Health Equity/SDOH

How The Shields Care Model Addresses Inequities 1024 576 Shields Health Solutions

How The Shields Care Model Addresses Inequities

In this blog, we take a glance at some of the health inequities that the Black community faces in the United States and share a story on how the Shields…

Bonding Over Shared Backgrounds 1024 576 Shields Health Solutions

Bonding Over Shared Backgrounds

From a Clinical Pharmacist – I called a patient for her first cycle of an eight-week course treatment for her Hep C. She had several complaints around side effects, including…

Health-System Specialty Pharmacies Address Social Determinants of Health 150 150 Shields Health Solutions

Health-System Specialty Pharmacies Address Social Determinants of Health

By Jami Schell, PharmD, CSP; Lana Gerzenshtein, PharmD, BCPS, CSP; and Tim Paine Defined as “the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age,”1 the impact of…