Ease The Way for Administration of Challenging Medications
Medications like inhalers and nasal sprays can be challenging for patients to administer correctly. One such drug is varenicline solution (Tyrvaya), a prescription nasal spray used to treat the signs…
Shields NASP Posters 2021
The opioid crisis has impacted communities across the U.S. and in 2017, the U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services (HHS) declared it a public health emergency. According to HHS,…
The value of pharmacist interventions in supporting safe medication use
Specialty patients benefit every day from pharmacists being at the center of their clinical and care management. For example, when pharmacists perform clinical interventions, it can support safe medication use…
Exploring Patient Safety and the Role of a Specialty Pharmacist
The specialty pharmacist has a unique role in medication safety. Due to the high-touch, high-risk nature of specialty medications, the pharmacies that handle them must incorporate robust programs to ensure proper…